One person Portable-R3 GO2Altitude® Hypoxicator.
Optimal training is achieved via unique Hypoxic Training index (HTi) Dosage of training is precisely measured by embedded microcontroller No over- or under-training. No non-responders. (IHT) works for everybody. Lightweight and compact design, EXTRA quiet operation Designed to last! Can be factory calibrated for extreme altitudes on request Fresh, normal humidity odorless air
One person portable hypoxicator (hypoxic air machine) - delivery method.
WE ORGANIZE THE FASTEST DELIVERY FOR YOU. We work with the best UK transport companies. After payment, the order will be delivered without delay - as quickly as possible. We thank you for choosing Almed Store and appreciate your time!
One person portable hypoxicator (hypoxic air machine) - payment method.
Payment methods: payment by bank transfer by invoice, cash payment at the office, online order payment on the website. You can get detailed information on payment from our managers by phone or in the office.
One person portable hypoxicator (hypoxic air machine) - Warranty: 36+24 mon.
One person portable hypoxicator (hypoxic air machine) - reviews, advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons). One person portable hypoxicator (hypoxic air machine) - recommendations and tips for use.